
Monday, 5 March 2012

Last week in a nutshell

I know that officially (as Monday) it is the start of the next week but I thought it may be a good time to have a quick round up of last week. Yet another very busy working week ahead, no idea how far down my list of jobs I will get (as I am extremely easily distracted by new ideas and tend to rush off to do these instead!). Certain things MUST be done however. We shall recap next week on how well I got on. (I have a feeling that you may be more optimistic than I am!)

Things you may have missed on here:

The Flip Side of Motherhood otherwise known as, just a rather bad start to the morning and not enough coffee!

Yes, that was it, I was neglectful of this space again last week. (Just for a change)

Things you may have missed on the PCG:

Slightly Ranty but I hope it clarifies a few things A rather knee jerk post on my Guild blog after a lady decided to leave a rather unfair comment on the PCG Facebook Page. Yes, I probably did over-react but I tend to be rather touchy about people expecting me to do EVERYTHING for nothing when MOST of what I already do is for nothing! Thankfully, my lovely members leapt to the rescue and said lots of nice things about me and I now feel apreciated again. Thank you, thank you, all of you. You know who you are. :)

Things you may have missed about Creative Crafting:

Almost ALL of the articles and features for the April Issue arrived late or haven't arrived at all yet! (Not absolutely all, some of you made it in, I am eternally grateful) I am now getting VERY,VERY twitchy about this as I really don't have time to suddenly write a whole magazine myself! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!

If you are a total speedfreak but wonderfully creative and would love some free advertising for you business and can submit a lovely craft related article or project by next weekend please email me at:  I will be very pleased to hear from you.

Things you may have missed about CRAFTfest!:

The Spring event is fast approaching, kick off is this Saturday!! Arrrrggggghhh! I think we are getting there but there are a surprising number of stall holders who still haven't even made it onto the site yet, let alone sent in their stall links and Avatars. (Avril is almost ready to explode, bless her!) Why do people not reply to emails? Why would you pay to join in a craft fair and then not actually join the site to take part?

My long, long list got thrown aside on Friday morning as I suddenly decided that it would be a fantastic idea to embed finished stalls in the fest blog! You can see my efforts from Friday on here
I then also decided that wouldn't it be nice to add them to the CRAFTfest site too! You can see how far I have got here Long way to go though, think that may be todays first project.

Things you may have missed about Creative Connections:

We now have over 1000 members!! Yes, 1000! Isn't that fantastic! That's a heck of a lot of crafty folk all in one spot isn't it. :)
I created a Classifieds Group, although didn't get time to finish it so don't all rush over just yet. But it is on its way I promise.

Things you may have missed about Mystic Earth:

My gorgeous new party agent has just jetting off to NZ on a three week holiday so not alot to report here really, although I have retaken lots of my photographs. Feel free to take a look if you like.

So, all of that plus a small amount of housework (said using that hand gesture where you have thumb and forefinger very slightly apart to show an amount!) oh, and I also met Flick from Perfect Patchwork for a coffee and a natter and the event on Friday. (Well done for getting me out of the house Flick) Oh yes, and the usual school stuff, costumes etc for World Book Day. The bigger one went as Arthur Dent from The Hitchhikers Guide (And won!!! I couldn't believe it, YAY for hardly any effort there! For those of you that don't know, Why not! It's a fab story, he went wearing his pj's and dressing gown) The smaller one went as a pirate. I made him a lovely clip on earring but he would only wear it for a photo as he was convinced that it was piercing his ear!

Looking back that doesn't seem too manic but I assure you it was. Especially as I've given up chocolate AGAIN as I really need to lose weight STILL. Which made it all doubly hard to cope with. (And the lion bar I had on thursday DOES NOT COUNT! Shhhh)

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