After what has been an incredibly hectic week, I am now sat here rather 'shell-shocked'! It's been one of those times that are filled with high points and an equal if not larger amount of low ones. Very, very busy at the beginning as the manic preparations for the
Creative Connections Birthday party had to be dealt with. Then it was the big day itself on Tuesday which went very well luckily. Lots of people came and we had a lovely crafty chatty day. (I now have the burning desire to scrapbook everything though, probably a good thing that I wasn't around for the felt making chat!) The next issue of
Creative Crafting is coming along nicely and the first printed copies that have been purchased are on their way to their new owners. (I will be totally paranoid until I hear that they have arrived safely...chews fingernails)

My wranglings with Amazon about publishing on kindle have been bouncing back and forth and I'm fast coming to the conclusion that it just isn't going to happen. I did however whip up a book version of edited features which is all set to publish as soon as I work out what my iban number is!!! Annoyingly, although there are literally thousands of free books available, when you publish yourself you are not allowed to give them away! I think this is highly unfair as I want ours to be FREE!! It may never actually see the light of day. :( As you can see from these two images though, it does actually exist! Would anyone actually pay for it?
I have now had far too much coffee and am finding it hard to settle to anything. Hence the general waffling. So sorry, but it's something to write about isn't it.
Ooo! I almost forgot to tell you. My printed copy of the magazine arrived. I am very proud of it. I know that it is quite expensive from the HP site but it is lovely. (I did notice however that other craft magazines on there are considerably higher priced than ours!! Fancy that!) The pages are lovely and thick and it is perfect if you are featured and would like a copy. We are looking at a small print run for future issue if the printers ever actually reply to me. If you are interesting in purchasing a copy from HP however you can find it here
How exciting to have the printed copy! It looks great.
I was amazed at the quality of the paper!! Can't wait for the next issue.
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