The evening was going along as normal, Mr was play Skyrim on the PS3, I was looking up a vitally important fact for him on my Playbook to aid the game. Then all of a sudden it happened. The small boy just exploded with liquid vomit, all over himself, the sofa, the carpet and his dad! This was to be the pattern for the next three days. The sofa covers have never been so clean!! No sooner were they dried and returned to the furniture than they'd be off and in the washing machine again. Quite good in one respect as I'd forgotten how bright a colour they were!

This bowl is like the olympic torch of sickness in our house. We've all been attached to it over the years. It follows the sick person about whereever they go. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Those of you that know me will wonder where my lovely black oven top boards have gone with the jalopeno peppers on. Well, thats another story - the other week I had a visit from those mischevious goblins that turn your hob on when you aren't looking. I should think you can guess what happened next, my lovely hob covers are no more. :(
Three days and nothing would stay down, I probably didn't help that I kept giving in to him asking for some juice, even though every time it made him sick and we'd both agree that water was best from now on. By Friday afternoon (after a particuarly nasty curdled milk incident in the morning after daddy had given him some for breakfast) the sickness seemed to have gone away. Therefore it must have been time for the other end to get some action!! All over my hall carpet. I cleaned, bleached, cleaned, scrubbed and would the smell go away!! No, it damn well wouldn't.
Thankfully, you will be pleased to know that Mr just got the carpet washing machine out (I can't do it as it is about the same size as I am!) and the smell has now gone away. Phew! We can all breathe again!
Although not completely better, my little man seems to be on the mend. Just in time for half term. Oh goodie! I'm just wondering which of us is going to get the bug next!
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