I have always used two pairs of pliers to work with my jump rings but has anyone used a beadon jump ring tool? What exactly does it do? Maybe I am being ditzy but it looks a bit odd to me.

It is always so tempting going through these sites, I am a bit addicted to them. (I have the same problem with stationery stores!)
I keep thinking I should get some threads in and do some pearl knotting as I was trained to do but it is so much more fiddly and not so enjoyable.
I think I am finally getting the hang of tweetdeck now. Had a great time chatting to alot of you yesterday and am feeling a bit more at home with it. I do find that when it has been on for a while it stuffs up my computer. Anyone else have that trouble? Internet Explorer seems to have some kind of breakdown!
I was hoping to have my first cards completed yesterday but as usual my printer decided to let me down. It is a nightmare, takes me hours to get it to print pictures properly. Just gave up in the end, will try again next week. Need to get some envelopes anyway, I take it we do sell them with envelopes? Hard to tell on the listings on Misi whether they have envelopes or not or though it does make sense!! This is a new thing for me so any advice greatfully received.
Well, here we go, headlong into half term. I am not expecting to get alot done as my head is normally ready to explode with all of the added noise. No excursions planned as the bigger one is a homebody and has to be shoehorned out of the house. He does have a birthday party to attend on wednesday though so the smaller one and I will be able to have a potter around town for a couple of hours.
Misi Wanderings
My Sweetheart Tags Darling Dilly Dilly. The colour of these really caught my eye.
Amigurumi Pocket Monkey by Reenee Gurumi. Isn't this little chap gorgeous.
Handcrafted Black and Gold Door by Bobless. This may not be there for you to look at as I love it so much I think I might buy it. Not sure where it will go though. Have a look in the store though as there are lots of lovely doors.
Rocky Shore Necklace Isn't this unusual. Made using glass reclaimed from the sea. How special.
Such great finds! Really love the necklase - very intriguing! Thank for mentioning my monkey!
I use two pairs of pliers for jump rings as well. That jump ring tool just looks like a ring to me. I really can't work out how you would use it!
On the other hand, I couldn't live without my crimp pliers. They really do give much more professional looking results. Do give them another try....
Blessings to you,
Guess I got the wrong crimp pliers!!! There were two kinds. Do you use beads or tubes with them?
I can't live without my crimping pliers. I have a pair of jump ring pliers as well - I don't use them often. We sell both items as well.
Soft Flex Co.
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