
Thursday, 16 January 2014

I thought I was doing so well!

Pounds lost - 1 (I've gained a half pound back!)
Cheats on diet - 0 (hardly seems fair!)

I thought I was doing so well! I haven't cheated at all. Does the afternoon I spent fantasizing about Lion Bars count? I didn't have one, just thought about them. :( Maybe I should just stay away from the scales for a bit, what do you think?

On a lighter note, the Chilli went down a storm with everyone. It didn't seem to matter that I had used pork mince instead of beef and it is on the menu again next week. If you would like the recipe you can find it here. As I used the pork which was less than 5% fat it was Syn Free on the Slimming World Easy Plan.

I'm also waiting for the postman in a rather excitable manner today as I'm expecting my needle felting starter kit to arrive. I have so many ideas for how I can encompass this into some of my gemstone work and am keeping everything crossed that I can manage to create something acceptable. I've made toys out of felt (as you've seen on here) for years so fingers crossed.

Have a good day!

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