Tuesday, 30 June 2009
And the winner of my June Giveaway is........
Craft Corner - neat at last!
My workstation exists in a corner of my kitchen, this is partly because it enables me to make jewellery while I make dinner and also because the four of us live in a very small bungalow. It is rather cluttered too, a fact that annoys lovely husband a great deal. Luckily we don't have too many outbursts about it, I think because he has had to put up with me for a long time now. If he lived alone he would probably have a bed, a reclining chair, a very large tv and his playstation! Whereas I have a bit of a problem throwing things away (I may need it, you never know!). It actually does annoy me but by then it is a huge problem to sort out so just gets left a bit longer!
Anyway, I have been struggling on in a disorganised manner with my desk being used as a dumping ground by everyone. I couldn't concentrate and my books kept falling over so I woke up yesterday and decided to do something about it. After dropping the bigger one at school, small boy and I went over to our local Argos and collected two small shelving units. On our return we then set about putting them together. This wasn't going too well until I braved the shed and went through lovely husbands tool box (shhhh!) There I found a ratchet screwdriver, what a wonderful thing, now I know his secret to fast flatpack building! Small boy was a great help, a little on the bossy side but he did well. We soon had both shelving units together.
Then came the part that always seems to happen. I began to clear my desk top and drawers so that I could place the new shelves on top and get organized. Where did all of this stuff come from, it kept piling up, falling over, piling up some more. That's when I hit the 'wish I hadn't started this' point! Even small boy had deserted me and gone off to watch tv in the lounge. But I soldiered on and finally managed to get everything put back and sorted. It looked fantastic!! I was so pleased. I sent a picture message to lovely husband to show him my handiwork. He sent a text reply saying ' looks nice!' 'NICE' He now regrets that remark!! He did admit on his return home that the pictures really don't do it justice and it is as wonderful as I first thought. Wonderful man.
So now, I have a lovely area which hopefully won't get cluttered again. An aching back and aching wrists and am exhausted from a terrible nights sleep but it was worth it.
Here is my corner.
What do you think?
Monday, 22 June 2009
Peanut Butter Cake and a Har Hoo!!
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Happy Fathers Day and Misi Wanderings
I feel a little slack as I missed out doing any Misi Wanderings last week. But not today!! Here are a selection of lovely items that caught my attention from the talented people on Misi.
Misi Wanderings
Said the spider to the fly wrist warmers by my lovely friend Madam Salami. These are really gorgeous.
Antique gold and chocolate baby booties by funkyshapes. These look comfy.
Full English Breakfast by sorbet surprise. I love making things in felt.
Nautical Pencil Roll by sillyoldbear. What a wonderful idea, the bigger one is always losing his pencils.
I seem to have a fabric theme going on today! I do have a large collection of sewing mounted up to do later though, maybe on my mind! I created another toy yesterday, will post a pic soon. It was a harhoo from In the Night Garden for the small boy. I lost concentration and put two of the coloured petals the wrong way round, and he noticed, bless him!!! He still likes it though.
Have a wonderful day everyone.
Saturday, 20 June 2009
A box of goodies for mum and a bracelet for me!
The bigger one has been doing his sat's at school, been a little bit poorly and very tired (crabby doesn't start to describe it. Bless him!). Alot of my twitter friends will also know that Small Boy has also been rather ill with something. It started with a recurring fever, which is actually still there. Then on Thursday he came out in a rash. I took him to the doctors but she wasn't sure what it was! (This was a little disappointing because I could have stayed at home with that knowledge) She thought that it may be chicken pox, but the rash didn't look right. Doesn't this mean that it probably isn't chicken pox then? Anyway, it turned out not to be as by the next day it had mostly faded. So he isn't spotty anymore but still has the odd temperature and has now started vomiting too!! Joy for me as I always get covered in it. But thats enough of that, hopefully both of my beautiful boys will make a speedy recovery and get back to normal soon.
On the jewellery front, I have also had a creative spurt. I have just posted a mixed box of goodies for my mum. She is currently experience alot of neck and shoulder pain so we thought we would try and sort it out. Luckily she is very receptive to healing stones so fingers crossed.
The main piece of jewellery is a necklace. This consists of Blue Lace Agate, Prehnite, Hawks Eye, Clear Quartz and Aquamarine, complemented with Aquamarine and Peridot Swarovski Crystals. I had a bit of a time with this one as none of my seed beads seemed to work. I ordered some new ones and when they arrived I completed the necklace. I used Ceylon Blue and Seafoam in the end. The strange thing was that the colour really seemed to matter. As soon as I added the blue seed beads it was like the power turning on. It seemed to radiate energy and appears desperate to be worn. I also made three pairs of earrings to go with the necklace and added a different bracelet and a beautiful tree brooch made by lovely husband. You can tell this by how precise it is, if I had made it I think it would have been rather random and bushy!! Isn't it lovely!
While I was at it I just had to make myself a Prehnite bracelet. I hadn't seen any before and it called to me. It is a beautiful stone.
It's almost the end of the month so don't forget to enter my June giveaway if you would like to win the malachite and crystal bracelet.
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
I've been tagged!!!!
The rules of tagging are:
1. respond and rework; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention, add one more question of your own (don't feel obliged as it's quite long already!)
2. Tag eight other people
What is your current obsession?
I have two!! One I get to do and the other I don't!! The one I manage to satisfy my obsession with is Twitter. Somewhat addicted to it at the moment. Sometimes I tell myself 'The whole world is ear-wigging into my conversations' but it still doesn't stop me making an idiot out of myself by tweeting to my username by accident!! Again and again and again!!!
The other thing I love at the moment is the Wii game Endless Ocean. I love it, so relaxing. I think there are two reasons why I like it. The music by Hayley Westenra is beautiful, and in real life I would never have the nerve to dive in the ocean like that and it actually feels real at times (yes, I know I'm sat on the sofa) but it still freaks me out when I go down into deep valley and enter the abyss!!!
What is your greatest achievement?
Well, predictable I suppose but it has to be my two beautiful children. They are and always will be my greatest achievement. I often look at them and think 'I made them'.
Coffee or Tea?
Hmmm! Well, I do like coffee, although people that know it is more like milk with a hint of coffee! My favourite has to be tea though. I don't function without a cup of tea in the morning. Milk and two sugars (or 3 sweetners) please.
What’s for dinner?
The recipe calls it Chicken Broth but I always add more rice which makes it into more of a risotto. Chicken, Rice, Stock, Onions, Turnips, Celery and Carrots. Yummy.
What have you just made?
I am just making a healing necklace for my mum. It is to help with neck and shoulder pain. I am using Blue Lace agate, Hawks Eye, Prehnite, Aquamarine and Quartz. I am accenting it with peridot and aqaumarine swarovski crystals. I will add a picture when it is done. :-)
What are you listening to right now?
The new Nickleback album Dark Horse. Loving it too. Although since I found a great download site where I can download tracks for 9c I'm re-buying all of my old vinyl stuff. Its great, I hear a song I like, I pop on and download it. Love it!
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Am I allowed to say 'all of them'!! No, OK then. Thats tough. Could be Caramalised Pecan. I'm totally nuts anyway so whats a bit more!
What do you think of the person who tagged you?
What a lovely lady, and funny too. A good sense of humour is so important don't you think. Helps us all keep going. And that felt brooch, a lady after my own heart!
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Ok, having a small boy who doesn't sleep at all and is rarely out of our bed, I am tempted to say 'back to bed' although that may just be because I am incredibly tired and it is really early!!! I may add lovely husband to that scene as aforementioned small boy makes an effective bolster between us!!! lol. Do I need to add........without the small boy. Although they would both need to be somewhere safe, see there I go again, over protective to the hilt!
Which language do you want to learn?
I learnt french and german at school, can't remember that much but the odd bit comes back. I like Spanish. I did try to learn it once but I am really shy when it comes to languages. I don't have the confidence to use them.
What’s your favorite quote (for now)?
I think I have two at the moment:
“You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist" by Friedrich Nietzsche
“He who has health, has hope. And he who has hope, has everything.” Proverbs
What is your favorite colour?
Very dark red, just love it. I am currently very attracted to green though! Strange as I always hated it as a child. I used to leave all of the green sweets!
What is your dream job?
Definately the one have. I love making my jewellery and playing with all of the healing stones. I am totally addicted to them. I am determined to get my business off the ground so that I can continue to do it. :-)
Do you admire any one’s style?
Noone in particular all of the time. I often see someone on TV or in a picture and think they look really good and like the things that they are wearing but not consistantly. Annoyingly, I am not currently in 'my style'. I put on so much weight with the small boy that I can't fit into any of my normal clothes. That makes me very sad but hope to be able to get on the wii fit again soon to sort it out.
Describe your personal style?
Oops!! Should have seen that one coming! lol. Well, pre small boy, I could be found in Indian Skirts and embroidered tops. Stuff like that. Hopefully they may all come out again at some point!! I don't do groomed! I have long, mad, naturally curly hair that constantly makes me look like I've just got out of bed so groomed!!! no, never! lol
What are you going to do after this?
Did I mention my twitter obsession!! I will probably twitter about it! Also, watch the same episode of 'In the night garden' again and fend off flying toys. Usual stuff.
What is your favorite fruit?
I love grapes, especially black seedless ones, although a really crisp Empire apple at the beggining of their season is also heavenly. One of those I think. No, wait...... fresh pineapple. Ate two whole pots trying to bring on labour with the small boy. Got an incredibly sore mouth but it worked!! :-) Good tip if you need it.
What inspires you?
Hmm!! Music, colours, fresh air, nature and of course my family. They inspire me everyday and I am very thankful for them.
Your favorite book?
Oh no!!! I can't choose that! I love books, all books!!!! Always have.
I don't have a favourite book. I suppose one of my favourite authors is Katie Macallister. She is so funny. If you haven't read any you definately should. You'll laugh out loud and get all hot under the collar at the same time.
Your favourite film?
Definately 'Still Crazy'. I love the music and the actors and it has several of those lump in the throat moments. Well it did for me anyway!!
Do you collect something?
Like Kitty, I collect stones. As a small child this was something to be joked about but now I have a reason. It is my job!!! Of course, most of the stones I collect now are healing crystals but I still pocket the odd rock off the beach!! Sshhh!! Can't help it!
What is your favorite smell?
I want to say fresh bread, but that may be because I am hungry. Kitty does have a point though, a freshly showered lovely husband is hard to beat!! lol Also, the boys when they were babies, all powder and loveliness.
What are you most proud of?
My family, they are my life, all of them. Without them...... don't want to even think about it.
How many times do you press the snooze button before you get up?
If only!!!! I have a small boy who wakes me up at an unreasonable hour, have to force myself awake and get out of bed straight away. Years ago I used to sleep 13 hours a night, my memory was alot better then!!
Cats or dogs?
Hmm!! I've had both and they both have good and bad points. I think the cats were easier to manage though, the dogs were always a bit needy.
What’s your biggest fashion mistake?
Probably everything I wore in the 80's. Although I don't think I was alone in that. he he!
Complete the following:
Love is: the thing that makes everything worthwhile.
The heart that truly loves never forgets.
What would you like to make next?
Something fantastic that everyone wants.
What the best piece of advice you have been given?
There has been so much, hard to choose. A piece of advice from me is to always go with your gutt instinct. it is usually right.
Well, there you go, are any of you still awake???
I now have to choose eight people to tag! Hmmm, who shall I choose?
How about:
Charms of Light
Ruby Spirit Designs
Magic Making Hands
Funky Junk Jewellery
Soul Reader
Wisdom Path Art
Sharnemania Knits
Good luck guys.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Travis the Tractor is complete!!!
Monday, 15 June 2009
Chakra Cleansing Exercise
Friday, 12 June 2009
New style - I've gone chunky!
Carnelian is such an under-rated stone, a real life changer. Some of you are probably fed up with me going on about it!! lol. I have made so much carnelian jewellery for people recently though, they all seem to need it. A lift if you are feeling tired, courage for when you are overwhelmed. Not forgetting that it is incredibly effective for arthritis. Yes, its very orange, but we all need a little bright colour in our lives.
Carnelian - SiO2+(Fe,O,OH)
In the middle ages, Carnelian was assigned a blood-staunching and anger-calming effect. The Egyptians also used it as a protective stone for the dead.
Mentally - Courage, Emotionally lifting, energizing.
Physically - works with: Organs. Stimulating the absorption of vitamins, nutrients and minerals in the small intestine. Alleviates rheumatism, arthritis and stimulates the metabolism.
Chakra - Base, Sacral.
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Hayfever and Crystal Spider Web Necklaces
I thought I would impart a quick hayfever tip as I have been advising alot of people about it recently and it is rather useful. Ladies, if you suffer from hayfever either wear some Amber jewellery or stick an Amber tumble stone in your bra. (Yes, I did say in your bra! It is a quick and useful place to keep them!) After an experiment on Twitter the other day with my friend Madam Salami we discovered that Tigers Eye is also quite affective.
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
I've been featured!!!!
Kathy Crabbe is a soul reader, psychic-medium and spiritual healer based in Southern California.
Thanks Kathy.
I bet your weather is better than ours at the moment! :-)
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Busy little week!
Where has the week gone? Managed to get quite a bit done this week. Including having a lovely bar-b-que at mum and dads rained off yesterday! :-( Still had a lovely time though.
The lovely Zoe purchased a matching turquoise bracelet to go with the earrings she won. So pleased that she likes them. The carnelian earrings are also with their new owner hatsandmore. I wonder who will win the Malachite Bracelet?
A lady who I have made quite a few pieces for caught up with me at school on Friday. She said that she was desperate for an Amethyst Necklace. This was no problem but she then mentioned that she was really tired all the time. I asked her to pop into my house on her way home as I wasn't sure that it was really amethyst that she needed. (Yes, you've guessed it. I was think of my old friend Carnelian again) I asked her to take turns holding a string of amethyst and then a string of carnelian in her hand. Her reaction was immediate. "Definately Carnelian" she said, "I feel that I need it right now!" So after sending her off with an Amber tumblestone in her bra (yes, you read correctly) for her hayfever, I created a vibrant carnelian necklace which she was pleased to receive at school collection time. I was also thrilled to hear that she had also purchased some cheap store bought chip bracelets but had realised that they weren't anywhere near as potent as the ones that I make. She thinks it may be because I usually make them specifically for the person and could also be something that I channel into them. (Who knows, but if it works don't knock it! I certainly won't!)
Misi Wanderings time.
I had a bit of bother fitting them into a nice neat box this week so please forgive me the scrappy arrangement.
Knitted Gnome By RosyTint Isn't he fab, love his beard!
Moonlit Water By Vintage This is lovely, looks like it took alot of work.
Roses By Tinylittlepixie. I love Roses.
Framed Galaxy Abstract by Hotwaxart
Multi Strand Crystal Necklace by Herosandroses. Crocheted, can you believe it!
Well, bit of mixture there this week. Well done guys.
Don't forget to enter the giveaway for the malachite bracelet.
Thursday, 4 June 2009
A very..... long necklace!
It is 52 inches long and consists of Gunmetal Iris Seed Beads, Burgundy and AB Swarovski Bicone Crystals and 8mm rounds of Hematite, Obsidian Snowflake and Ocean Jasper. Gorgeous isn't it! I'm very pleased with it.
Hematite - Fe2O3+Mg,Ti+(Al,Cr,Mn,Si,H2O)
Used in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia as a healing stone. In the Middle Ages hematite was call ‘Bloodstone’
Mentally - Survival, will power, vitality.
Physically - works with: Circulation. Stimulates the absorption of iron in the small intestine and the formation of red blood corpuscles, improving oxygen supply to the body and stabilizing health.
Chakra - Earth, Base.
Jasper - SiO2+Fe,O,OH,Si
In ancient Egypt Scarab amulets were carded from jasper. According to legend, jasper was set in the hilt of ‘Balmung’, Siegfried’s sword.
Mentally - Courage, readiness for conflict. Willpower (red) Endurance (yellow) and Protection (Green). Honesty.
Physically - works with: Circulation and Digestion. Increases resistance to environmental stress (pollution, toxins, radiation).
Chakra - Varies depending on colour.
Obsidian - SiO2+Fe2O3+H2O+Al,C,Ca,K,Na,Fe
Obsidian blades were used in Palaeolithic times. In antiquity it was supposed to drive demons out.
Mentally -Dissolves shock, fear, blocks trauma. Protects from psychic attack. Expands the consciousness.
Physically - Obsidian dissolves pain, tensions and energy blocks. Improves circulation and warms extremities.
Chakra: Base, Sacral.
I think I may do one in other colours and put it on the Website. Any colour suggestions?
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
June Giveaway!!
Ok, the June Giveaway. I was going to give away more earrings but as a kindness to a friend who doesn't wear earrings, the wonderful Madam Salami, I have decided to offer a beautiful bracelet instead. It is created using Malachite Gemstone Chips and Emerald Swarovski Crystals.
Malachite - Cu2[(OH)2/CO3]+H2O+(Ca,Fe)
Malachite has always been thought of as a womans mineral and has been dedicated to many goddesses. It was considered to be the stone of Paradise which was represented as meaning that we mortals ought to avoid it. Folklore also calls it the midwife stone.
Mentally - Dreams, Removes inhibitions, encourages self-expression.
Physically - Dissolves cramps. Stimulates liver activity. Alleviates rheumatism.
Chakra - Heart, Solar Plexus, Base, Sacral.
I will draw a winner on 30th June. Please leave a comment on this post to enter. Although not mandatory, I would appreciate it if you could also follow my blog, it will also be easier to find out if you are the winner. It would also be very helpful if people could mention the giveaway on their blogs. Thank you.
Good Luck Everyone!!
Monday, 1 June 2009
A spot of snail watching and the pink dinosaur!
A few family bits and bobs today. Isn't the weather glorious at the moment, long may it continue. we actually got the paddling pool out for the kids, not sure it came out at all last year.